

Big Game Week @ Cal!

So it's Big Game Week here at Cal, which means that things are absolutely CRAZY! The campus is pretty much bleeding blue and gold in preparation for the 111th Big Game against Stanfurd on Saturday. Last year we lost the axe to them after holding onto it for a good amount of time, so this weekend is going to be all about revenge. Activities for this week have included:

Cable Car Rally in San Francisco
Night Rally
Tree Chopping Rally (because not all trees deserve a hug)
Stanfurd v. Cal Sing-Off
The Biggest Bonfire west of the Mississippi (no joke, it's 3 stories)

Now combine all of this with mass amounts of publicity and what you end up with is one VERY exhausted Rally Committee. Some of the folks I'm working with haven't slept for 3 days. Now THAT'S dedication. Meanwhile, over at Stanfurd, the students are crying about how their school hasn't advertised the date of the Big Game well enough. Well I say, "Man up yo!" Figure it out for yourself if you're so smart! Or are your grades so inflated that you forgot how to use your brain?

May the Cardinal be damned!


Anonymous said...

Make toothpicks out of the Cardnial! Go Bears!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex Ouligian said...

37-16! Ya like that, Stanford?