

My Town

Hey everyone,

It is so good to be home and with all of you! I've really missed everyone up at Berkeley and this break has been just what I needed. San Diego is my one true home, and I can't imagine living anywhere else.

Someone asked me if I was excited to go back to Cal and I flat out told them, "NO." I mean don't get me wrong, Berkeley is everything I was looking for in a school and I love it, but I can not stand my living conditions. Here's a short list of the things I find myself struggling to live without:

- a kitchen
Dorm food is HORRIBLE, can you say Freshman 15?

- private (clean) bathroom
1 bathroom, 32 co-ed students... you do the math

"Don't need directions, don't need a map
If we get lost I'll be good with that
Yeah we'll find a way to make the time pass
Window rolled down with the heat on high..."

- The beach
There is nothing better than grabbing a burrito and heading to the beach after school

- a TV + PS2
College can get pretty boring, believe it or not...

- a full bed
It's really more about the privacy of having my own room... you know, the whole only child thing and having space to BREATHE

No really, I miss you guys A LOT!

So I'm headed back to Cal on January 18th, so if you want to see me and haven't gotten to while I've been here, give me a call and we'll hang out!

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