

Summer 2010

Hello all,

I wanted to let you know that I have been accepted to the summer Forestry Field camp in the Sierra Nevada mountains! The Summer Field Program is taught on the Plumas National Forest, nine miles west of Quincy. Reno, NV is the nearest large city at 100 miles away, so I hopefully will have my car. This eight-week program is a requirement for my Forestry and Natural Resources major at UC Berkeley. The overall goal of the Summer Field Program is to provide an introduction to the scientific and professional dimensions of forest and wildland resource management. I will be home this summer from May 14th to June 20th and possibly Aug 14th to Aug 26th.

While there, I'm not sure how much internet access I will have (I will DIE without it), but I will have my phone and can also be contacted by mail at this address:

c/o University of California Forestry Camp, P.O. Box 340, Meadow Valley, CA 95956

Hopefully I will have the chance to visit all of you in the small amount of time that I have to spend at home this summer! You should write to me too... ya know, to keep me up to date with things (especially if I don't have internet). For example you should let me know if we happen to solve that pesky global warming problem, which celebrities have died, and just general information like what Snookie is up to these days. It is absolutely crucial that I receive this info in a timely manner. CRUCIAL.

I'm excited to be involved in this program, but at the same time I reaaaally don't want to go simply because I have to give up my summer. I also think it's kind of crazy that this is a REQUIREMENT for my major, but what can you do? It was either deal with this or major in M.E.B. and then I'd have to suffer through O-Chem... and no one wants that.


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