


It recently occurred to me that there are realistically, probably only a few people I know who take the time to read this blog. I wanted to take the time to say thank you! but only if you're someone other than my Mom or Dad (you 2 would read this no matter what I wrote about).

On that note I wanted to say that I'm going to be doing my best to update more frequently, with posts not just about my life, but also on topics that I find interesting or relevant. Although the purpose of this blog has never been to attract a large source of readers, knowing that there are people out there who want to hear what you have to say is nonetheless encouraging. Writers thrive off of feedback, both positive and negative, and although I may not be a writer in my day-to-day life, that is the role that I have taken on with the creation of this blog. It is a challenge that I welcome with open arms, and an opportunity to improve my skills not only in writing, but communication in general. But I digress.

The original purpose of this blog was to keep my family and friends updated with my life at college. It was also a personal endeavour that I choose to begin in an attempt to catalog my experiences over the next 4 years. Memories are a funny thing. What was once the most important day of your life becomes a meaningless fact of your existence, allowed to slip through the cracks as it is replaced by events greater in magnitude and relevance. But it is the small things in life that count, compiling over time as the history of your life, and it is for that reason that I relay my stories to you here.

The role of the writer is not without its faults. Although he is gifted with the art of expression, he is indebted to the interest of the reader. For although I could very well sit here writing about my life, and express every truth known to man, it is meaningless if I have no one to share it with. Why else would I want to retain these memories over the years, if not for the hope of someday sharing them with another?

Greatness is a socially construed evaluation. Even the greatest writers in history would not have been recognized if no one had read their work. For although the ability of the writer lies within his mind, it is the medium through which he conveys his message that gives weight to his words. I doubt the brilliance of a man even as great as Melville (excuse my biased judgement) would have been acknowledged had he not written down his thoughts. The man's worth is inherent, but it is worthless if it cannot be conveyed. He cannot possibly hope to express the idea of transcendence as explored in Moby Dick in a mere conversation. It requires a medium that allows him to capture all his thoughts in one location, permanently. The oral tradition is not enough.

In short, if you are a reader of this blog and you appreciate the things I write here, do me a solid and register as a follower of my blog. Then take it one step further and leave a comment or two on a post you find interesting, disgusting, horrifying, whatever.

Just give me a reason to write.

1 comment:

:0) said...

blah, blah, blah, Ginger!
It's been over a month.....