We're Gonna Rock This Town!
So I'm back in San Diego for the summer and it's going to absolutely rock. That's all for now. Hit me up if you want to hang out. Peace out Berkeley.
A Dice Throw
Whether or not the Chasm was endless was up to speculation. Gazing down there was a whitish glow emanating from the bottom in a constant pulsating rhythm. Perhaps he had fallen backwards, tumbling headfirst into the fulltide and losing his bearing in the frenzied process. All things considered it was far more likely that he was not peering down a declivity, but rather gazing up toward the heavens. Just as the flustered moth desperately glides and flutters when caught by the light, he too thrashed about, caught in the confusion. On a wing and a prayer one might at best survive such a fall, but none could escape it. The mind has a way of protecting its own interest, catapulting our souls into darkness, or elevating them into the light. Redemption was his final hope, and in that moment he prayed.
Just an quick exercise we did in Comp. R1B, where we took the words from Mallarme's "A Dice Throw At Anytime Never Will Abolish Chance" and composed a paragraph using our own interpretation of the text. The bolded words comprise the excerpt from Mallame. They are orignally written in that order, with no other words in between, arranged on the page in a diagonal slope.
Just an quick exercise we did in Comp. R1B, where we took the words from Mallarme's "A Dice Throw At Anytime Never Will Abolish Chance" and composed a paragraph using our own interpretation of the text. The bolded words comprise the excerpt from Mallame. They are orignally written in that order, with no other words in between, arranged on the page in a diagonal slope.
It recently occurred to me that there are realistically, probably only a few people I know who take the time to read this blog. I wanted to take the time to say thank you! but only if you're someone other than my Mom or Dad (you 2 would read this no matter what I wrote about).
On that note I wanted to say that I'm going to be doing my best to update more frequently, with posts not just about my life, but also on topics that I find interesting or relevant. Although the purpose of this blog has never been to attract a large source of readers, knowing that there are people out there who want to hear what you have to say is nonetheless encouraging. Writers thrive off of feedback, both positive and negative, and although I may not be a writer in my day-to-day life, that is the role that I have taken on with the creation of this blog. It is a challenge that I welcome with open arms, and an opportunity to improve my skills not only in writing, but communication in general. But I digress.
The original purpose of this blog was to keep my family and friends updated with my life at college. It was also a personal endeavour that I choose to begin in an attempt to catalog my experiences over the next 4 years. Memories are a funny thing. What was once the most important day of your life becomes a meaningless fact of your existence, allowed to slip through the cracks as it is replaced by events greater in magnitude and relevance. But it is the small things in life that count, compiling over time as the history of your life, and it is for that reason that I relay my stories to you here.
The role of the writer is not without its faults. Although he is gifted with the art of expression, he is indebted to the interest of the reader. For although I could very well sit here writing about my life, and express every truth known to man, it is meaningless if I have no one to share it with. Why else would I want to retain these memories over the years, if not for the hope of someday sharing them with another?
Greatness is a socially construed evaluation. Even the greatest writers in history would not have been recognized if no one had read their work. For although the ability of the writer lies within his mind, it is the medium through which he conveys his message that gives weight to his words. I doubt the brilliance of a man even as great as Melville (excuse my biased judgement) would have been acknowledged had he not written down his thoughts. The man's worth is inherent, but it is worthless if it cannot be conveyed. He cannot possibly hope to express the idea of transcendence as explored in Moby Dick in a mere conversation. It requires a medium that allows him to capture all his thoughts in one location, permanently. The oral tradition is not enough.
In short, if you are a reader of this blog and you appreciate the things I write here, do me a solid and register as a follower of my blog. Then take it one step further and leave a comment or two on a post you find interesting, disgusting, horrifying, whatever.
Just give me a reason to write.
On that note I wanted to say that I'm going to be doing my best to update more frequently, with posts not just about my life, but also on topics that I find interesting or relevant. Although the purpose of this blog has never been to attract a large source of readers, knowing that there are people out there who want to hear what you have to say is nonetheless encouraging. Writers thrive off of feedback, both positive and negative, and although I may not be a writer in my day-to-day life, that is the role that I have taken on with the creation of this blog. It is a challenge that I welcome with open arms, and an opportunity to improve my skills not only in writing, but communication in general. But I digress.
The original purpose of this blog was to keep my family and friends updated with my life at college. It was also a personal endeavour that I choose to begin in an attempt to catalog my experiences over the next 4 years. Memories are a funny thing. What was once the most important day of your life becomes a meaningless fact of your existence, allowed to slip through the cracks as it is replaced by events greater in magnitude and relevance. But it is the small things in life that count, compiling over time as the history of your life, and it is for that reason that I relay my stories to you here.
The role of the writer is not without its faults. Although he is gifted with the art of expression, he is indebted to the interest of the reader. For although I could very well sit here writing about my life, and express every truth known to man, it is meaningless if I have no one to share it with. Why else would I want to retain these memories over the years, if not for the hope of someday sharing them with another?
Greatness is a socially construed evaluation. Even the greatest writers in history would not have been recognized if no one had read their work. For although the ability of the writer lies within his mind, it is the medium through which he conveys his message that gives weight to his words. I doubt the brilliance of a man even as great as Melville (excuse my biased judgement) would have been acknowledged had he not written down his thoughts. The man's worth is inherent, but it is worthless if it cannot be conveyed. He cannot possibly hope to express the idea of transcendence as explored in Moby Dick in a mere conversation. It requires a medium that allows him to capture all his thoughts in one location, permanently. The oral tradition is not enough.
In short, if you are a reader of this blog and you appreciate the things I write here, do me a solid and register as a follower of my blog. Then take it one step further and leave a comment or two on a post you find interesting, disgusting, horrifying, whatever.
Just give me a reason to write.
So far 2009 hasn't been very good to me, as you might have noticed from my infrequent posting. I mean it hasn't been TERRIBLE. No one I know got sick and died, and I'm not suffering from severe bouts of depression. It just hasn't been a great year so far. But it's only March, and I must confess that I retain high hopes for the remainder of the year, both academically and socially.
Here's a few things 2009 has brought to me:
- An amazing New Years experience in Pasadena
- A visit from my friend Matt
- A "romantic fling" (I use these words VERY loosely...) And no Dad, the reason I haven't been calling isn't because I have a boyfriend.
- My R1B Comp. Lit. class studying The Art of Anticlimax
As well as few things I look forward to:
- Returning home for Spring Break!
- A 4 day visit from Arthur :D Hooray!
- Improving in my ESPM 60 class... I have high hopes!
- Performance of Benjamin Britten's "War Requiem" in Zellerbach Hall with UC Chorus
- The end of Lent, for which I gave up Cinnamon Toast Crunch... we'll be together soon my love!
And finally, all my trials and tribulations:
- Ridiculous drama resulting from aforementioned New Years in Pasadena
- CALCULUS. I don't want to talk about it. Seriously. This means you Mom and Dad when I'm home next week!
- Getting rejected from dorm housing for next year and looking for a place to live other than People's Park...
I recently changed my Facebook status to read, "Jackie is done waiting for the 2nd chance that isn't coming. I'm living for today." I know it's a bit late for New Year's resolutions, and I'm usually not a fan of them, but I'd have to say this is my goal for the rest of the year. I am so sick of living in the past, complaining about all the mistakes I've made instead of fixing the source of the problems. Everyone has slip-ups on the road to self-improvement, and I don't expect to completeley extinguish all sense of nostalgia and the ocassional twinge of regret that colors my day-to-day life. I'm simply making a concentrated effort to be proactive and take the steps necessary to improve my current situation. Again, I have high hopes.
Two years ago I placed this image from PostSecret on my MySpace page. At the time, I was going through some huge changes in my life, but I truly believed that I could improve my situation.

Here's a few things 2009 has brought to me:
- An amazing New Years experience in Pasadena
- A visit from my friend Matt
- A "romantic fling" (I use these words VERY loosely...) And no Dad, the reason I haven't been calling isn't because I have a boyfriend.
- My R1B Comp. Lit. class studying The Art of Anticlimax
As well as few things I look forward to:
- Returning home for Spring Break!
- A 4 day visit from Arthur :D Hooray!
- Improving in my ESPM 60 class... I have high hopes!
- Performance of Benjamin Britten's "War Requiem" in Zellerbach Hall with UC Chorus
- The end of Lent, for which I gave up Cinnamon Toast Crunch... we'll be together soon my love!
And finally, all my trials and tribulations:
- Ridiculous drama resulting from aforementioned New Years in Pasadena
- CALCULUS. I don't want to talk about it. Seriously. This means you Mom and Dad when I'm home next week!
- Getting rejected from dorm housing for next year and looking for a place to live other than People's Park...
I recently changed my Facebook status to read, "Jackie is done waiting for the 2nd chance that isn't coming. I'm living for today." I know it's a bit late for New Year's resolutions, and I'm usually not a fan of them, but I'd have to say this is my goal for the rest of the year. I am so sick of living in the past, complaining about all the mistakes I've made instead of fixing the source of the problems. Everyone has slip-ups on the road to self-improvement, and I don't expect to completeley extinguish all sense of nostalgia and the ocassional twinge of regret that colors my day-to-day life. I'm simply making a concentrated effort to be proactive and take the steps necessary to improve my current situation. Again, I have high hopes.
Two years ago I placed this image from PostSecret on my MySpace page. At the time, I was going through some huge changes in my life, but I truly believed that I could improve my situation.

That was without a doubt, the best year of my life thus far.
High hopes.
My Sincerest Apologies
Hey guys,
So I realized that it's been 7 months since I arrived here in Berkeley and I have yet to show you my living accommodations. I've talked about them on numerous occasions, so I thought it was finally time to take some pictures and walk you through my dorm life. For those of you that are interested, I've posted quite a few pictures like the one below of my room on the slide show with captions explaining what you're seeing. Take a look, leave a message, and then send me some flowers to apologize for my horrid living conditions (I only kid).
But really guys, all the letters and cards you've sent are much appreciated... they brighten up my space and my day! They're great to go back and read when I'm feeling homesick or having a bad day and I love having little reminders of home sprinkled throughout the room. So thank you so much! On that note, if you see a picture in a magazine that reminds you of something we did together or if you see a comic you think I'd find funny, feel free to send it to me! The more creative you get, the more interesting my room decor becomes! I love you guys and hope to see many of you over spring break (March 20-30).
Peace out,

P.S. - I know I never really talked about my amazing trip to Tahoe, and I don't know when or if I'll have the chance to talk about it on here. So if you want to know more about my crazy adventure into Nevada and beyond, give me a call! I promise, you're not bugging me! I don't have class on MWF so I have plenty of time to talk on the phone!
So I realized that it's been 7 months since I arrived here in Berkeley and I have yet to show you my living accommodations. I've talked about them on numerous occasions, so I thought it was finally time to take some pictures and walk you through my dorm life. For those of you that are interested, I've posted quite a few pictures like the one below of my room on the slide show with captions explaining what you're seeing. Take a look, leave a message, and then send me some flowers to apologize for my horrid living conditions (I only kid).
But really guys, all the letters and cards you've sent are much appreciated... they brighten up my space and my day! They're great to go back and read when I'm feeling homesick or having a bad day and I love having little reminders of home sprinkled throughout the room. So thank you so much! On that note, if you see a picture in a magazine that reminds you of something we did together or if you see a comic you think I'd find funny, feel free to send it to me! The more creative you get, the more interesting my room decor becomes! I love you guys and hope to see many of you over spring break (March 20-30).
Peace out,
P.S. - I know I never really talked about my amazing trip to Tahoe, and I don't know when or if I'll have the chance to talk about it on here. So if you want to know more about my crazy adventure into Nevada and beyond, give me a call! I promise, you're not bugging me! I don't have class on MWF so I have plenty of time to talk on the phone!
Hello, I'm a PC...
Growing up the first computers that I learned to use were the PCs that we had at my preschool. Eventually, my family bought our very own PC that ran Windows '95 on it, which I used solely to play games. This was the extent of my contact with computers until my first interaction with a Mac 3 years later in elementary school. As I recall, I found them very easy to use, and specifically remember learning how to save by pressing the "swirly button" and then S. At the time, I thought nothing of the fact that I used a PC at home and a Mac at school, because I didn't understand that there were significant differences between the two machines.
But soon enough, the great PC vs. Mac war began and people started taking sides. At that point I was in middle school, and although I was using only PCs at the time, I still didn't have a preference as to what I used; I could not however, remember how to use a Mac. By the time I got to high school I owned my own Dell computer, and had gotten caught up in the PC/Mac war. For no reason, I had acquired an intense distaste for Macs, and had come to the conclusion that they were difficult to use and served no point unless you needed Final Cut Pro, Garage Band, or wanted to be a graphic artist.
That attitude lasted for about 3 years, until my own Dell PC started crashing like the piece of crap it really is. So when it was time to buy a laptop for college, I made the decision to purchase a Macbook Pro so that I could get the sweet free Ipod touch and printer that came with it. At the time of purchase, I planned to dual boot it because I thought Windows would still be necessary and easier for me to use, and was afraid to learn a new operating system. So I bought this software called Parallels for $80 that allows you to run Windows from within the Mac operating system. Now I realize that it was a totally unnecessary purchase for the time being, and still have yet to upload Windows (another $90 purchase I'll have to make). The only reason I'll ever even need Windows is to run games, and even then I'll have to worry about buying antivirus software to protect against the vast amount of PC based viruses that are out there.
I think that more people would switch to Mac if they weren't afraid to try something new. The second I plugged in my Mac, I was able to connect to the wireless network set up in my house. When I tried to do that on a PC laptop that a friend let me borrow, not only was I unsuccessful, but I actually ruined the internet connection that my home computer had in the process and had to purchase new software to fix it.
In my honest opinion, Apple is the only computer manufacturer that is ALWAYS trying to make technological progress that is useful for the average user. Any cool functions that PCs DO manage to set up are always breaking (such as the screen flipping over into a tablet). With Macs on the other hand, I have yet to encounter a significant user error. So when WAS the last time a PC made a useful upgrade? My answer would be when the switch to flat screens was made about 5 years ago.
When I bought my Mac, the guy at the store said, "Welcome to the family." At the time, I didn't understand what the hell he was talking about and thought he was kind of creepy. Now however, I know exactly what he meant: Once you go Mac, you never go back. So kudos to all of you who have recently made the transition from PC to Mac, and my thanks to Apple, for making me remember exactly why I loved their products in the first place.
But soon enough, the great PC vs. Mac war began and people started taking sides. At that point I was in middle school, and although I was using only PCs at the time, I still didn't have a preference as to what I used; I could not however, remember how to use a Mac. By the time I got to high school I owned my own Dell computer, and had gotten caught up in the PC/Mac war. For no reason, I had acquired an intense distaste for Macs, and had come to the conclusion that they were difficult to use and served no point unless you needed Final Cut Pro, Garage Band, or wanted to be a graphic artist.
That attitude lasted for about 3 years, until my own Dell PC started crashing like the piece of crap it really is. So when it was time to buy a laptop for college, I made the decision to purchase a Macbook Pro so that I could get the sweet free Ipod touch and printer that came with it. At the time of purchase, I planned to dual boot it because I thought Windows would still be necessary and easier for me to use, and was afraid to learn a new operating system. So I bought this software called Parallels for $80 that allows you to run Windows from within the Mac operating system. Now I realize that it was a totally unnecessary purchase for the time being, and still have yet to upload Windows (another $90 purchase I'll have to make). The only reason I'll ever even need Windows is to run games, and even then I'll have to worry about buying antivirus software to protect against the vast amount of PC based viruses that are out there.
I think that more people would switch to Mac if they weren't afraid to try something new. The second I plugged in my Mac, I was able to connect to the wireless network set up in my house. When I tried to do that on a PC laptop that a friend let me borrow, not only was I unsuccessful, but I actually ruined the internet connection that my home computer had in the process and had to purchase new software to fix it.
In my honest opinion, Apple is the only computer manufacturer that is ALWAYS trying to make technological progress that is useful for the average user. Any cool functions that PCs DO manage to set up are always breaking (such as the screen flipping over into a tablet). With Macs on the other hand, I have yet to encounter a significant user error. So when WAS the last time a PC made a useful upgrade? My answer would be when the switch to flat screens was made about 5 years ago.
When I bought my Mac, the guy at the store said, "Welcome to the family." At the time, I didn't understand what the hell he was talking about and thought he was kind of creepy. Now however, I know exactly what he meant: Once you go Mac, you never go back. So kudos to all of you who have recently made the transition from PC to Mac, and my thanks to Apple, for making me remember exactly why I loved their products in the first place.
New Photos
Just got back from Tahoe. Very tired and sore. New photos are up on the slideshow... more details and photos to follow soon!
Ladies, we were right from the very beginning... boys really do have them. And now I have proof! I recently subjected myself to an experiment with the hopes of finally proving once and for all that boys carry the cootie virus. The following data is taken from the results of my experiment.
Day 1 - Jackie kisses a boy.
Day 2 - Jackie wakes up very, very sick.
The end. That is proof enough for me.
Either that or God was trying to teach me a lesson. Oh well...
P.S. - I ate some grits today... they tasted like corn and the texture was like finding something in your food that's not supposed to be there... like the time I found a rock in my beans (apparently that happens sometimes). Needless to say, I won't be eating those again.
Day 1 - Jackie kisses a boy.
Day 2 - Jackie wakes up very, very sick.
The end. That is proof enough for me.
Either that or God was trying to teach me a lesson. Oh well...
P.S. - I ate some grits today... they tasted like corn and the texture was like finding something in your food that's not supposed to be there... like the time I found a rock in my beans (apparently that happens sometimes). Needless to say, I won't be eating those again.
Back in Blue & Gold
So I'm finally back at Berkeley. It took a while to realize but I've finally come to the conclusion that I really did miss it. I think the reason why I was so miserable last semester is because I was doing poorly in some of my classes and was afraid of failing... which I didn't, so hooray! I'm really excited to start my new classes and continue to explore all that Berkeley has to offer. Especially since I only have class 2 days a week, so I'll have plenty of time to join organizations and work on my music and such... something that always keeps me very happy. Maybe I'll even get a job, but it's too soon to say.
In other news, the inauguration this morning was amazing. You really can't beat watching something like that with thousands of other students in the middle of a college like Cal. Just one more thing I've come to love about my home away from home.
FYI - Don't resell your textbooks if you don't get at least half back what you paid for them! I bought a book for about $100 and got $5 back for it... I should have just kept it, so now I have to go bitch at the textbook store to try to get them to sell it back to me.
In other news, the inauguration this morning was amazing. You really can't beat watching something like that with thousands of other students in the middle of a college like Cal. Just one more thing I've come to love about my home away from home.
FYI - Don't resell your textbooks if you don't get at least half back what you paid for them! I bought a book for about $100 and got $5 back for it... I should have just kept it, so now I have to go bitch at the textbook store to try to get them to sell it back to me.
My Town
Hey everyone,
It is so good to be home and with all of you! I've really missed everyone up at Berkeley and this break has been just what I needed. San Diego is my one true home, and I can't imagine living anywhere else.
Someone asked me if I was excited to go back to Cal and I flat out told them, "NO." I mean don't get me wrong, Berkeley is everything I was looking for in a school and I love it, but I can not stand my living conditions. Here's a short list of the things I find myself struggling to live without:
- a kitchen
Dorm food is HORRIBLE, can you say Freshman 15?
- private (clean) bathroom
1 bathroom, 32 co-ed students... you do the math
"Don't need directions, don't need a map
If we get lost I'll be good with that
Yeah we'll find a way to make the time pass
Window rolled down with the heat on high..."
- The beach
There is nothing better than grabbing a burrito and heading to the beach after school
- a TV + PS2
College can get pretty boring, believe it or not...
- a full bed
It's really more about the privacy of having my own room... you know, the whole only child thing and having space to BREATHE
No really, I miss you guys A LOT!
So I'm headed back to Cal on January 18th, so if you want to see me and haven't gotten to while I've been here, give me a call and we'll hang out!
It is so good to be home and with all of you! I've really missed everyone up at Berkeley and this break has been just what I needed. San Diego is my one true home, and I can't imagine living anywhere else.
Someone asked me if I was excited to go back to Cal and I flat out told them, "NO." I mean don't get me wrong, Berkeley is everything I was looking for in a school and I love it, but I can not stand my living conditions. Here's a short list of the things I find myself struggling to live without:
- a kitchen
Dorm food is HORRIBLE, can you say Freshman 15?
- private (clean) bathroom
1 bathroom, 32 co-ed students... you do the math
"Don't need directions, don't need a map
If we get lost I'll be good with that
Yeah we'll find a way to make the time pass
Window rolled down with the heat on high..."
- The beach
There is nothing better than grabbing a burrito and heading to the beach after school
- a TV + PS2
College can get pretty boring, believe it or not...
- a full bed
It's really more about the privacy of having my own room... you know, the whole only child thing and having space to BREATHE
No really, I miss you guys A LOT!
So I'm headed back to Cal on January 18th, so if you want to see me and haven't gotten to while I've been here, give me a call and we'll hang out!
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